News — zoysia grass plugs

One Year plug update - AMAZING RESULTS

DIY diy lawn care easy lawn project el toro zoysia plugs grass plug installation grass plugs how to install grass plugs how to plant plugs how to plant zoysia plugs how to set grass plugs n-ext products plugs zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

One Year plug update - AMAZING RESULTS

WOW!  I was getting worried last Fall that I might not make it but boy was I wrong.   These plugs took off like a rocket when it warmed up.

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Spring update to our El Toro Zoysia Plug project

biostimulant DIY diy lawn care easy lawn project el toro zoysia el toro zoysia grass plugs el toro zoysia plugs grass plug installation grass plugs grub control how to plant zoysia plugs humic acid humic12 imidacloprid lawn care n-ext products n-ext rgs plugs zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

Spring update to our El Toro Zoysia Plug project

After seeing this lawn when it finishes growing in, you will be back to get your own El Toro plugs!

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I ripped out my old zoysia and put in El Toro Plugs

el toro zoysia el toro zoysia grass plugs el toro zoysia plugs how to plant zoysia plugs zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

I ripped out my old zoysia and put in El Toro Plugs

After dealing with the 2022 drought, grubs killed a third of my lawn. This grub damage was marked by the severe drought we were in, otherwise I would’ve taken care of the grubs.  This was my lawn coming out of dormancy and everything that you see that looks dead, was in fact…dead. I placed some plugs in some of it before I decided to rip it all out.  So what’s a guy to do?  This was an opportunity to rip out the Meyer zoysia that is just terrible and also level the lawn.  Here are some progression photos so far...

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I ripped out my lawn and replaced it with El Toro Zoysia plugs!

el toro zoysia el toro zoysia grass plugs el toro zoysia plugs grass plug installation grass plugs how to install grass plugs how to plant plugs how to plant zoysia plugs how to set grass plugs zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

I ripped out my lawn and replaced it with El Toro Zoysia plugs!

Complete zoysia plug renovation of my front lawn.  We will update every couple of weeks to see if we can get it to grow in this Summer.

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El Toro Zoysia Plug Installation Update

el toro zoysia el toro zoysia grass plugs el toro zoysia plugs grass plug installation grass plugs n-ext rgs zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

El Toro Zoysia Plug Installation Update

El Toro Zoysia plugs week 4 update.

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