News — hydretain

Get rid of GRUBS!!!!

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Get rid of GRUBS!!!!

Preventative and Curative solutions to grub control, including Imidacloprid, Acelepryn and Dilox.  Treat your lawn for grubs, the safe and effective way.

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Install Zoysia plugs the easy way

bermuda plugs bermudagrass plugs biostimulant cenitpede plugs diy lawn care easy lawn project ecologel el toro zoysia el toro zoysia grass plugs el toro zoysia plugs fulvic acid grass plug installation grass plugs greene county fertilizer how to install grass plugs humic acid humic12 hydretain lawn care n-ext products n-ext rgs rgs soil activator pack zoysia zoysia grass plugs zoysia plugs

Install Zoysia plugs the easy way

No square pluggers here! Easy to install grass plugs.  Here we demonstrate how to install Compadre Zoysia plugs.  Give it a thumbs up, subscribe and share.    

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