TurfPlex 20-2-3 plus SeaXtra | Ecologel
TurfPlex 20-2-3 plus SeaXtra | Ecologel

TurfPlex 20-2-3 plus SeaXtra | Ecologel

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TurfPlex™ (20-2-3) with SeaXtra® is a high nitrogen fertilizer for heavily used turf areas. Nitrogen is provided in three plant-available forms that produce excellent turf response and color.

  • One gallon contains 2.12 lbs. of nitrogen
  • Analysis is 20-2-3::N-P-K
  • Produces excellent turf response and color
  • Great for foliar care in high traffic areas

Product Description:
TurfPlex is a high nitrogen fertilizer for heavily used turf areas. Nitrogen is provided in three plant-available forms that produce excellent turf response and color. Chelated nutrients improve availability and uptake to produce more vigorous turf. TurfPlex is an ideal product for foliar feeding, spoon-feeding and/or fertigation on greens, tees, and other high traffic areas.

Benefits of Use:

  • Suitable for foliar feeding
  • Source of NPK, Fe, Mn & Zn
  • More consistent and sustained turf color
Problems Addressed:
  • Lack of turf vigor and color
  • Poor nutrient availability
  • Inconsistent turf growth due to excessive nutrient leaching
  • Micronutrient deficiencies

Available in multiple sizes: Size options on this item are 1-Gallon and 4-Gallon
Single Gallon (128 oz)
4 Single Gallons (512 oz)

Application Information:

Apply through fertigation or foliar spray, alone via backpack/pump sprayer/hose-end sprayer or tank-mixed with other products. Refer to the table below to determine the volume of fertilizer to apply to achieve the desired amount of nitrogen.

Desired lbs. of N Fl. oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.*
Gallons per acre**
6.0 2.1
.25  15.1 5.1

*Apply in 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq. ft. **Apply in 40 gallons of water per acre.

This can be used on all grass types, including the following:
Cool Season Lawns - Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass.
Warm Season Lawns - Bermuda, St Augustine, Zoysia, Centipede, Bahia.

 Coverage/Gallon One gallon of TurfPlex contains 2.12 lbs. of nitrogen
See the above chart for desired nitrogen coverage/application rates
Application  Details Apply diluted with 1 gallon of water per 1,000 sq ft
Water-In  Instructions

The amount of water can be increased if root absorption is desired

  • Label: TurfPlex info
  • Package Includes: One or Four Gallons
  • Storage: Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight. The product will store for 2 years under warehouse conditions.

Shipping Information:

Shipping costs

Included for most states within the U.S.
NO P.O. Boxes

State Restrictions
Alaska (AK), Hawaii (HI), Oregon (OR), Washington (WA)
Typical Delivery Time

4 - 7 business days

Product Type Liquid Concentrate
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All sales are final, no cancellations, returns or exchanges

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